How can we verify information about Syrian detainees?

How can we verify information about Syrian detainees?

Verify-Sy has received many photos and information about Syrian detainees, some of whom were released during the past few days, after an "amnesty decree" issued by the President of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, for the perpetrators of "terrorist crimes" on April 30, and we have monitored since that time many Old photos and inaccurate information.
In an attempt to narrow the scope of false and false images and information in this regard, we explain in this article to the followers of the “Verify” platform, technical tools that enable them to verify images and related information, by exploiting the simple search techniques provided by online search engines and social networking sites.

The reverse search technology can be used in Google, Yandex, Bing, - click on the name of the search engine to access the technology - all search engines provide this technology in similar ways, through the following steps:
1- Save the image you want to search on your computer or mobile phone.
2- Click on "Photos" at the top left of the browser, for computers, or open the "Google" application on the mobile phone.
3- Upload the saved image to the search box, and see the locations and date of publication of the image.
An important note: the results shown are not necessarily accurate, as news sites often use the images out of context as "expressive images", so take into account that the images published at old dates are not related to the recently released detainees.

advanced search on facebook

If the reverse Google search does not work, you can also try to verify the information by typing any information related to the image or event, such as names or geographical places, in the search box of the Facebook site or application, and by taking advantage of the search filters / features provided by the platform , such as searching photos, posts or videos, by date and category in which they were posted

Twitter advanced search

On Twitter as well, and through similar steps, you can try to verify photos, recordings, and related information, by typing any information related to the search box, and then clicking on the three dots next to the box, going to “Advanced Search” and typing all the words and phrases that you You want to search for it, use search filters and filters, which make the search process easier, by specifying or not specifying the publisher, time and language of publication and the hashtags used.

Advanced Search (Google)

​​Google provides its users with the advanced search feature through a single page that combines many tricks and means, including choosing file types, preferred language, usage rights, location, using search shortcuts, and activating the safe search feature.
And we get the advanced search option from the settings icon, then we choose the advanced search as the image appears below:

google selectors

Here are some shortcuts that will help you to quickly and concisely access what you are looking for in Google:
Exact search: If you want to search for a specific sentence, all you have to do is put this sentence in quotation marks before and after what you are searching for. (“...”)
Find time: You can find out the time of any country in the world by typing the name of the country and the time (syria:time)
Searching for specific files: If you are looking for a specific file, all you have to do is type (filetype) and then the file type, for example, pdf.
Searching for sites similar to a specific site: You must type the word related: and then the link to the site you are looking for.
Searching for a topic on a specific site: you type site: then the site link after the colon.
Exclude words: You can exclude a word from your search by placing a minus sign (-) before the word you do not want (be sure to put a space before the minus sign and avoid putting a space after it)
PLUS SIGN (+): Searches for pages containing all words
Minus sign (-): to search for pages that contain words but not others
OR and and: to search for pages that contain any of the words, meaning narrow the search, that is, if you want to show results that contain two words together, for example: seo and traffic, type: seo and traffic, but if you want the results of one of the two words, then type : seo or traffic.

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