An invitation to discuss the book of social backwardness, the psychology of the oppressed man

An invitation to discuss the book of social backwardness, the psychology of the oppressed man

The oppressed person in a backward society feels alienated in his country, feels that he does not own anything, even public utilities feel that they belong to the authority, and it is not a matter of life facilities for him. That is because the gap is very large between him and her, and that the services and estimations he deserves are given to him (if they are given) as a favor or a bounty, not as a duty owed to him. When he sabotages public facilities, he expresses his aggression towards the authoritarian
Shawishka Association invites you to attend the discussion of the book “Social Underdevelopment, The Psychology of the Oppressed Man,” by Mustafa Hegazy, on Saturday 5/7/2022 at five o’clock in the evening at the Shawishka Association center located in the Corniche, Masaken Halko
Invitation to those interested

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