Closing session on the role and strengthening of local communities

Closing session on the role and strengthening of local communities

Berçav held its session on the constitutional process in Hewler, in the presence of nearly 50 actors, most of whom were representatives of civil, feminist, legal, and party frameworks in Erbil / Erbil-Kurdistan.
Today's session was the concluding part of the public consultation process on the role and strengthening of local communities.
Berçav wanted three members of the Constitutional Committee from the civil society bloc to participate, they are Dr. Samira Moubayed, Judge Anwar Magni, and an academic from the University of Economics in London, Mazen Ghariba.
Titles such as the representation of the Kurds in the committee, their rights in the constitutional content, the issue of "supreme constitutional principles", and the issue of decentralization won the largest share of discussions at the level of attendees and members of the constitutional committee.
Ideas and visions were presented regarding the two papers: “The 12 Living Principles between the Syrian Parties,” and the “Rule of Law” paper, which was presented in the sixth round of the committee’s meetings by some members of the civil bloc and rejected by the regime bloc;
It seemed that many issues need to be discussed, such as "the identity of the state", and issues such as "political Arabism", "Islam", and the great desire of the audience for the secularization of the state (its neutrality) and crystallization of it in public life.
The discussions had taken an important place on the international factor and its interference in constitutional affairs, as well as "transitional justice";
The issue of the "Arab belt", the issue of "demographic engineering events", the issue of refugees, and the situation of the displaced were not absent from the discussions of the audience, and the members of the committee interacted with these issues with seriousness and between all eras his approach towards all these issues.
The attendees evoked thorny issues such as the constitution in terms of "theory" and "application", and that the lesson is not in the aesthetic vocabulary of the constitution as much as its content conforms to the standards of modern constitutions and constitutions of diverse countries and multiple identities.
Some, especially representatives of media frameworks, considered that a country's democracy is measured by the freedom and independence of the media, and according to what they put forward, the issue of the "fourth power" has not yet received any discussion between the Constitutional Committee and the tracks of "public consultations."
It should be noted that Berjaf held a series of activities on the constitutional process and the committee, and contributed, with the support of the “Tazez” program, to the involvement of the local community in the ongoing process in Geneva. local.

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