Violence against children is aggressive behavior

Violence against children is aggressive behavior, whether physical, verbal, or psychological, directed against the child. There is a kind of violence practiced on him due to the state of fear that controls and possesses him.
It is worth noting that the phenomenon of violence against children cannot be considered a modern or new phenomenon, but it has existed for long periods of time. It directs violence against children.
International covenants and treaties set the age of the child to eighteen years, and any violence against a person who has not reached the age of eighteen has become called violence against the child.
The results of the study showed that children are exposed to violence in places that are supposed to be safe, such as home, school or clubs, and are exposed to violence from people who are supposed to take care of them, such as parents or teachers .
A study by the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood indicates that 65% of children between 13 and 14 years old are beaten with objects such as sticks or belts, and psychological violence reaches 75% in adolescence.
According to the study, 70 percent of adolescent

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