Afrin Social Association condemns, through a statement, the death sentence imposed on an Afrin citizen

Afrin Social Association condemns, through a statement, the death sentence imposed on an Afrin citizen

The Afrin Social Association condemns, in a statement, the death sentence imposed on an Afrin citizen, and calls on the international community to release all detainees in the prisons of Turkey's factions.
Today, Wednesday, the Afrin Social Association issued a statement regarding the issuance of the death sentence by the criminal court of the Syrian coalition against the Kurdish youth (Hussein bin Mustafa Youssef Hussein) and a prison sentence for varying lengths of time against the rest of his family, and denounced the practices of the factions affiliated with the Turkish occupation in Afrin. And it called on all human rights, humanitarian and international institutions to move quickly to stop the implementation of unfair sentences against citizens, and criticized the shameful international silence about what is happening in Afrin.
The text of the statement stated:
"Statement to public opinion...
Day after day, the true image of the Syrian opposition coalition affiliated with the Turkish occupation becomes clear, and it has now adopted a clear policy in public without any consideration for the lowest moral and humanitarian values, not even any consideration of the relevant international covenants and charters, since its occupation of the city of Afrin on 3/18/2018, its factions continue The long identity and rights of the Kurdish people in the city of Afrin, after their occupation of the city of Afrin, they resorted to using various means and means against the Kurds of "looting, kidnapping and killing". And all of this did not cure their anger, until they began issuing criminal judgments against Kurdish citizens without any reasons to mention.
On 27/07/2022 on Wednesday, the Criminal Court of the Syrian opposition coalition affiliated with the Turkish occupation in the city of Afrin issued judicial rulings against a number of Kurdish citizens from the town of Shih / Sheikh Al-Hadid, residing in the Mahmudiya neighborhood of Afrin, after accusing them of flimsy and usual pretexts, which It is dealing with the self-management and extracting confessions from them under duress under beatings and torture.
Where it issued a death sentence against the Kurdish youth (Hussein bin Mustafa Yusuf Hussein, 20 years old), on charges of performing mandatory service in the former Autonomous Administration and his resistance to the Turkish invasion of Afrin, noting that the accused was kidnapped from his home located in the Mahmudiya neighborhood in Afrin on 4/28 /2021, that is, three years after the Turkish occupation of the city of Afrin, and it is certain that on the date of the occupation of Afrin he was a minor who did not reach the age of sixteen, and this alone makes the ruling void and contrary to all international laws.
In addition to its issuance on 7/27/2022 and 7/30/2022 for prison sentences of varying lengths of time against the rest of the following family members:
Youssef Mustafa Hussein was sentenced to three years in prison.
- Mustafa Muhammad Hussein (27 years old) was sentenced to thirteen years in prison.
- Ezzedine Youssef Hussein (17 years old) was sentenced to thirteen years in prison.
- Zeinab Muhammed Olachli (27 years old), Mustafa Hussain's wife, was sentenced to twelve years in prison.
And that is on charges and flimsy arguments, like the previous unjust and malicious rulings, which are dealing with the former self-administration in Afrin.
The death sentence issued against the Kurdish youth (Hussein Yusuf Hussein, 20 years old), which was issued on 27/7/2022, is a political ruling par excellence, and it is a dangerous gesture and a great threat, as the aim is to intimidate the Kurdish people in Afrin in order to empty it of its original inhabitants and settle families The national army instead.
These unfair rulings are null and malicious because they were issued by a temporary and illegitimate authority, which is the occupying authority, in addition to that they did not take into account the principles of litigation and did not adhere to the procedures of criminal trial procedures in terms of public trial, integrity, impartiality and the right of the accused to defend himself by appointing any lawyer he wants .
We in the Afrin Social Association condemn and denounce the practices of the factions affiliated with the Turkish occupation in Afrin, and we call on all human rights, humanitarian and international institutions to move quickly to stop this crime before the factions execute the young man (Hussein bin Mustafa Yusuf Hussein), and we demand as quickly as possible to stop the implementation of unfair sentences against other citizens. .
We call on civil society organizations and local and international human rights organizations to condemn and stop the factions affiliated with the Turkish occupation from implementing these criminal sentences. Because the silence regarding this crime and the practices of the Turkish-affiliated factions and their violations against the Kurds in the occupied areas gives them more support to continue this policy and extermination, and therefore all those who can put an end to the factions of the Syrian National Army affiliated with Turkey and who remain silent about their practices are accomplices in their crimes.
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