The final statement of the campaign (My voice is with your voice, no to killing women)

The final statement of the campaign (My voice is with your voice, no to killing women)

The final statement of the Sara Organization against violence against women
With its campaign that lasted for 40 days under the slogan (My vote is with your voice, no to killing women).
Twenty-three years ago, we stood and remembered this pose to denounce injustice and violence against humanity in general and against women in particular.
All the women of the world in all countries go out demonstrating and calling for violence against women. But this year, with the efforts of our free women, and here in northeastern Syria, they have achieved an achievement that history witnesses. If the men themselves came out denouncing and calling for no to violence against women, if the abuser came out and demanded no to violence against women, we can say Our efforts bore fruit, and the sacrifice of the sisters, Mirabal, illuminated the paths of women. With this statement, we, Sara’s organization, for forty days, reminded people of humanity, of mercy, of love. The number of beneficiaries is 324 men and women, with thirteen lectures and the distribution of 1,000 birr and brochures, including:
Defining the organization.
The story of the International Anniversary of the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Defining violence, its causes, and treatment, and placing 600 posters with slogans denouncing violence in all cities and camps, and distributing flakes at the entrances to cities and villages.
We carried out a joint campaign with the Women Peace Leaders Network and the Shao Yechka Association under the slogan “You are free” by targeting six successful women who suffered from violence in many forms, but they went through it with all success. A visit to the Women’s Village (Jun War) to highlight the manifestations of the challenge and address violence by living independent and free women away from an oppressive and ruthless society. Equality, for when a person attains his rights, women also obtain their rights, freedom, and dignity as a human beings. Finally, we present in this statement the product of violence and violation of human rights, the crimes committed against women for the year 2021

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