Early economic recovery in opposition areas during the second half of 2021

Early economic recovery in opposition areas during the second half of 2021

In the context of monitoring early economic recovery activities in the opposition areas, the report shows that 766 projects were implemented during the second half of 2021, most of them in the sectors of transport, communications, trade and water, and 1,862 temporary and permanent job opportunities were registered in many economic sectors, and the report reviews a number of weaknesses Among them is the lack of standardization of publishing mechanisms and monitoring of activities and projects, and the inability of local councils to develop the necessary legal frameworks to regulate the finance and industry sector. One of the most prominent strengths is the continuation of work to transfer displaced people to residential complexes, and relying more on solar energy to generate electricity. The report recommended the adoption of a dissemination mechanism Unified in the implementation of projects, the establishment of a national agricultural group that unifies the efforts of councils and organizations in the agricultural sector, and the formation of a project management body to overcome all difficulties in the financing sector
From a special report issued by Omran for Strategic Studies entitled “Early Economic Recovery in Opposition Areas During the Second Half of 2021

The full report is available in Arabic

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