A Chance project to strengthen women's economic independence

A Chance project to strengthen women's economic independence

A Chance project aimed at strengthening women's economic independence, improving their living conditions, empowering them economically so that they can find suitable employment opportunities for themselves, especially the younger group, to participate in economic activity and public life, and raising them to a decent social, human and economic level. The trainees were divided into groups and training will continue until the end of March. In the first week of the Opportunity nursing workshop, the trainees were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 10 trainees of varying ages. The following points were identified: 1- Heat, causes of overheating and hypothermia, methods of taking heat, and how to handle overheating. 2- Definition of fainting, its symptoms, the main causes of fainting, and how to aid a person who fainted. 3- Burns، degrees and treatment. 4- Defining pulses, the most important arteries in the human body, how to measure the pulses, the pulses about age, factors influencing the pulses, and causes the pulses to be made. Under the supervision of the nurse Sana Nauman at Shawishka center in cornish.

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