Donations to help needy families in Lebanon

Donations to help needy families in Lebanon

Many refugee families eat meat only once a year, even some of them meat becomes just a dream for them, but now "EID" is an opportunity for us and for you to draw a smile on many refugee familie's faces.
Since 2019 until now, Lebanon has been gone through the worst financial crisis that was clearly represented by:
•the Lebanese currency has lost more than 90% of its actual previous cost.
•the price of the foodstuff has raised more than 12 doubles.
•the price of the veal meat has raised from 12.000 to 300.000 Lebanese Lira.
•thousands of the Syrian youth have lost their work.
But thanks to your support, the past year we tried to decrease the effect of the crisis by distributing more than 4000 sacrifice meat quotas, and during the past Ramadan we also distributed food baskets for more than 3000 refugee families in Lebanon.
Today we have a brand new chance to cheer up the refugee families through "Sacrifices campaign" that aims to insure meat for more than 4000 families who are living in Bekaa poor camps (2000 families are widows and Orphans) where we are trying to decrease the food and humanitarian crisis and its bad effects on theses families, we are going to target families who have:
- Chronic diseases.
- Elderly
- Special needs
You can help in the following ways:
-insuring veal meat for 15 families by donating with 285-300$ per quota (seventh of the whole veal)
- insuring meat for 105 families by donating with one whole veal for 2000-2100$.
You can make a real difference in the life of many of the Syrian refugee families during this EID

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