World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day 2022
Donating blood is a gesture of solidarity Take part in the effort and save lives.
World Health Organization.
Dream Organization for Development.
World Blood Donor Day is held on June 14 every year, and in 2022, the theme of World Blood Donor Day will be “Donate blood as a gesture of solidarity. Join in the effort and save lives” to draw attention to the role blood donation plays in saving lives and strengthening solidarity and cohesion. within societies.
The specific objectives of this year's WHO campaign are to:
• Acknowledging the value of voluntary blood donation free of charge in promoting community solidarity and social cohesion, and promoting this value.
• Thanking blood donors in the world and working to raise awareness on a larger scale of the need to donate blood regularly without remuneration.
• Highlighting the need to commit to donating blood throughout the year to maintain adequate supplies and to make safe blood transfusions available to all in a timely manner.
Raising awareness of the need to increase investment by governments to build a sustainable and adaptive national system for blood supply, and to increase the collection of blood donations from free blood donors.
Blood and blood products are an essential resource for the effective management of women with haemorrhage associated with pregnancy and childbirth; children with severe anemia caused by malaria and malnutrition; patients with blood and bone marrow disorders, hereditary hemoglobin disorders, and immunodeficiencies; victims of trauma, emergencies, disasters and accidents; and patients undergoing advanced medical and surgical procedures. The need for blood includes everyone, but the availability of blood to those who need it does not include everyone. Low- and middle-income countries particularly suffer from severe blood shortages.

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