The conclusion of a human rights workshop in the city of Qamishli

The conclusion of a human rights workshop in the city of Qamishli

Eridu concludes a human rights workshop in Qamishli
Today, Thursday, Eridu Center for Civil Society and Democracy concluded a human rights workshop within the new project "Human Rights Defenders..." at its headquarters in Qamishli.
The last day of the workshop touched on international humanitarian law, the categories protected by it, and the difference between it and human rights law. The participants also learned about the Convention against Torture, in addition to the stages of forming the Syrian constitution and its texts.
The opening session, last Monday, focused on international human rights law, core treaties and its origins, the Universal Declaration and the International Commission for Human Rights.
On the second day, the participants discussed the definition of the term violence, its causes, factors and forms, in addition to the issue of violence in family and societal contexts.
The participants in the workshop on its third day dealt with the issue of torture. The session included the axes of the definition of torture and its types, the evolution of its forms throughout history, as well as the purposes, goals and objectives of the practice of torture, and its results and effects on the individual and society.
Fifteen young civil activists, under the supervision of the trainer Liana Saliba, participated in the "Human Rights Defenders" workshop over four days, and similar workshops are planned to be held in the cities of Al-Hasakah and Derek at a later time.

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