A stethoscope is an initiative targeting the women of Raqqa

A stethoscope is an initiative targeting the women of Raqqa

The "Light of Tomorrow" organization working in the field of community development launched special initiatives in the health field, the latest of which was the "stethoscope" initiative. The director of the organization, Bashir Al-Hamidi, told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that "the stethoscope initiative, which aims to build the capacities of 30 women in the field of first aid for children and treatment of burns and high fever, will extend over two months. The beneficiaries will be given an experience certificate that will enable them to enter the labor market, Especially in the clinics and hospitals operating in Raqqa governorate, which has suffered a lot and all its health facilities have been affected by military operations, as for several years it has been the focus of the conflict in Syria, which has cost it a lot in terms of human resources and services.

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