Giving treatments for autistic children at SAMS treatment centers

Giving treatments for autistic children at SAMS treatment centers

When Leith was born, his family was very happy with his coming to life, but unfortunately this happiness did not last, when they found out that he has autism.
Their journey began with this disease, and in one of its classes, they got acquainted with the "Take My Hand" center to follow up on children on the autism spectrum in Istanbul, and they visited it with 3-year-old Laith.
At the SAMS-supported centre, the child began receiving behavioral therapy and learned skills for his age.
The supervisor following his case prepared an intervention plan for the child's condition, focusing on 3 main areas that were preventing his development and his ability to learn new skills: throwing everything, aggressive behaviors towards other children and spitting at others.
The supervisor provided the child with new skills to help him implement instructions, through activities that help his mother deal with him at home.
The focused team noticed other problems that the children suffer from, such as visual communication, so the supervisor began to work on solving this problem, enhancing nonverbal communication skills, and developing focus skills.
During the follow-up, the supervisor focused on teaching Laith waiting skills due to his hyperactivity.

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