International Crimes Team arrests a Syrian suspect of war crimes

International Crimes Team arrests a Syrian suspect of war crimes

Based on the legal complaint submitted by the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, the International Crimes Team of the Dutch Police arrested the 34-year-old Palestinian-Syrian suspect (M.) in Kerkrade today, Tuesday 24 May \ May 2022, and referred him to the investigative judge on charges related to his suspected war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria in the past years.
According to the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, the complaint file submitted by the Center included a set of evidence proving the suspect committed a number of violations that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, including five testimonies of witnesses, three of whom were direct victims of the suspect's crimes. Where the testimonies confirmed that “M” was a commander in the Al-Quds Brigade and participated in storming civilian homes in joint patrols with Military Security and Air Intelligence. They were taken to Neirab Airport and the Military Academy, where they were subjected to severe torture.
It is worth noting that it is the first time that a Syrian who worked with the regime forces in the Netherlands has been arrested, and the center had mentioned in a press statement to it, that the complaint against "M" is one of five complaints that the center had submitted in the Netherlands about suspected war crimes.

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