A successful surgery for the visual ability at Bab Al-Hawa Hospital

A successful surgery for the visual ability at Bab Al-Hawa Hospital

Haj Abdul Karim (80 years old) suffered from vision problems more than a year ago, after which he suffered a severe bleeding in the eye, so he was referred to laser treatment without benefit.
His condition worsened more and more, until he went to Bab Al-Hawa Hospital, which is supported by SAMS
After conducting the necessary medical investigations, the decision was taken to conduct the necessary surgical procedure immediately
Dr. Samer Khalil, an ophthalmologist at Bab Al-Hawa Hospital, says: “The patient has an old organ hemorrhage in the vitreous humor (white water) that obstructs the eyesight. About a year ago, a corrective surgical procedure (vitreous cutting with Phaco) was performed to remove the cataract with implantation of a lens, in addition to removing the Organized vitreous haemorrhage, and retinal phototherapy (laser) to prevent adhesive hemorrhage or retinal detachment.
On the next day of surgery, a clear improvement in visual ability was noted, and he was discharged home in good health
The medical staff who performed the surgery
Dr.. Samer Khalil - Specialist ophthalmologist
Abd Al-Raouf Al-Badawi - Surgeon Assistant
Muhammad Qara Ali - Nurse

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