Taa Marbouta

  • Verified
  • The Type Of The Organisation : Establishment
  • Year Of Incorporation :2017
  • Number of Members:23
  • Number Of The Female Members: 17

It is a civil and social institution concerned with women in northeastern Syria and works on empowering them socially and culturally and building their capabilities, based on its belief in the role of women in building society, as they are an essential element in the social fabric, and the cohesion and well-being of society depends mainly on their shoulders. The Taa Marbouta Foundation provides its services to women and the community, targeting women and their issues mainly. Its civil services vary between community awareness, psychosocial support programs, vocational training, development programs that focus on social cohesion due to the uniqueness of the region and the diversity of cultures in it, and recreational activities targeting IDPs and refugees.

About the Organization

Sub Areas Of Work
  • Women issues
  • Child issues
  • Advocacy
  • Other
Target Groups
  • Womens
  • Children (0-18)
  • Refugees
  • Displaced
  • Returning
  • Other civil society organizations
Policies And Written Rules
  • Code of Conduct
  • Privacy policy
Contact With The Organisation

The Email Address Of The Person : mayssao@gmail.com

Phone Number : 00201210691663

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