WATAN Organization

  • Added
  • The Type Of The Organisation : Association or Organization
  • Year Of Incorporation :2012

WATAN is a leading Civil Society Organization delivering emergency relief, third sector support, and long-term international development projects.

Who are we


Watan is a leading civil society organization committed to reviving societies and helping those affected by crises, disasters, and conflicts


Watan is an independent, non-political and impartial organization


We work according to a comprehensive approach through integrated programs to address urgent humanitarian issues and revitalize communities in a sustainable manner


We also believe in the role of civil society in the various stages of intervention, so we are working to invest in the support and development of civil society in the access areas, and we are working to integrate and create coordination platforms to achieve integration and maximize the impact on different societies


To achieve our goals, we seek to be the distinguished partner of international agencies through specialization and expansion.



Watan was officially established in Turkey in 2012 based on extensive volunteer work in the field of community development dating back to 2006




Developing an educated society to unite all its categories in supporting and developing its members and sustainably improving their lives without any prejudice to gender, race, or belief


Providing well-studied programs on scientific grounds, through which focus is placed on innovative projects in the sectors of education, economic empowerment, and advocacy for civic issues to build peace, restore the normal life of society, and strengthen its social ties after the end of the conflict



A free and decent world based on tolerance, respect, and social justice



Helping people recover, learn and thrive


Our culture


A well-managed organization, with innovative and solid partnerships, collaborating, always learning, independent, committed

About the Organization

We help people and the organization find each other

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