Legal training provided within the Friends of International Humanitarian Law project

Legal training provided within the Friends of International Humanitarian Law project

As part of its endeavor to build the capacities of its volunteers, Taa Marbouta - Al-Raqqa participated in legal training tot provided by Geneva Call, within the Friends of International Humanitarian Law project.
The training lasted for three days for the Taa Marbouta team - Al-Raqqa to prepare trainers in the legal and legal fields.
The training dealt with the basic concepts of training the preparation of trainers, the qualities of the trainers, and the recipes for successful training, then it addressed the 15 rules of international humanitarian law, the topics of sexual violence, and the protection of cultural heritage. At the end of the training, a certificate of preparing the trainers was presented to the participating trainees (tot).
Among the topics that the Ta Marbouta team received training on was the rule of means and methods of warfare, the rule of the wounded and sick, the rule of deportation, and the rule of basic safeguards for detention.

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