Visit of a delegation from the Republic of Turkey to Al-Amal Residential

Visit of a delegation from the Republic of Turkey to Al-Amal Residential

With the beginning of the new academic world and in support of the Syrian students, a delegation from the Republic of Turkey visited the Al-Amal housing Apartment complex of Hand in Hand for Relief and Development in the Jarabulus area in Aleppo countryside.
The visit was represented by Mr. Suleiman Akgul, Head of the Vocational Education Department (in the workplace), Mr. Ziya Okcha (Director of the Education Division), Mr. Abdul Qadir Tash (General Coordinator of Education Affairs in Northern Syria) and the Operations Director of Hand in Hand for Relief and Development, Dr. Ahmed Al-Aqra. During which, the educational process in the Martyr Muhammad Aref Kadman Primary and Preparatory School was reviewed. And a visit to the Martyr Dr. Ammar Sheikh Ahmed School with its public and health branches, which will open its doors to students in the coming weeks, in addition to visiting the housing units and learning about the services provided in the complex to the families living there.

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