PÊL - Civil Waves

  • Added
  • The Type Of The Organisation : Association or Organization
  • Year Of Incorporation :2011

Who are we

PÊL- Civil Waves is a non-profit organization was founded in the summer of 2013 in Berlin, Germany. PÊL looks forward to strengthening the role of civil society, youth, and women, and bringing together the different societal components in Syria, in order to build sustainable peace and equitable development.

Bell operates through civilian centers and teams in Ain Issa, Alraqqa, Alhasakeh, Alqamishli and Karaky (Maabada) and Tuweina camp for the displaced, and Turbah Sebi (Alqubur Albaida).



Our Vision

PÊL seeks to empower women and youth and enhance their roles in public affairs so that these groups are more able to contribute to democratic change, this is done by providing safe spaces, interactive dialogue platforms, and planning and implementation programs.

PÊL also aims to promote dialogue between different ethnic, religious and social components, in order to overcome the legacy of the past and establish a future that guarantees equal rights for all and provides space for participation in public affairs regardless of affiliations and orientations.

About the Organization

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